As New York State moves towards a more sustainable future with its commitment to electrifying school transportation, it’s essential for school districts to stay informed and prepared for these changes.
At Power Management we are prepared to help you make these changes, and reach your long term energy goals. Together with our partner Essential Constructs we’ll provide comprehensive EV charging solutions tailored to the unique needs of educational institutions.
Our expertise in site assessment, tailored charging solutions, and project management ensures that your transition to electric vehicles is seamless, cost-effective, and in line with state standards.
Partner with us to navigate this significant transition efficiently, leveraging our experience and resources to benefit your district and contribute to a more sustainable environment. Here is a closer look at things we’ll help you consider, plan for, and overcome:
Site Assessment & Planning
Tailored EV Charging for Your District
Construction & Installation
Post-Installation: Maximizing Incentives
New York’s Electric School Transportation Vision
Funding Opportunities
Choose Power Management Company & Essential Constructs
Create Your EV Action Plan
Advantages of National Cooperative Contract
Ready to Start? Contact Us Today!
Complete the form below, and we will connect with you to schedule a free consultation. Prepare for the future, and make informed decisions with the help of our energy experts.
1600 Moseley Rd, Suite 100
Victor, NY 14564
(585) 249-1360
6821 Coyler Crossing
Victor, NY 14564
(585) 478-0238