Kirkhaven is a residential nursing home which provides long-term and transitional care for seniors. The facility, located in Downtown Rochester, spans 90,000 sq. ft over multiple floors and is comprised of individual resident rooms, common areas, employee work space and offices. Seeking to eliminate the frequent need for maintenance and enhance the light levels while reducing energy costs, Power Management performed a facility audit to identify areas for improvement.
With an aging lighting system, the multi-level residential facility was comprised of T8’s, T12’s and various wall sconces. Approximately 1,200 lights were audited and determined to need upgrading or replacement. Power Management proposed a turn-key solution which incorporated engineering & design, incentive coordination, material, labor, certified lamp recycling and project management. The project included all new energy efficient components; including LED fixtures, LED tubes, reflectors and brackets. The work began in March of 2018 and was completed in June. Special attention had to be taken while working in resident’s rooms, dining facilities and common areas. Consideration for the residents, visitors and employees while installing fixtures was a top priority.
Due to the recent upgrade involving LED lighting technology, the facility will enjoy significant energy savings
and reduced maintenance while improving lighting quality for patients, staff, and visitors alike. The changes
also enhance safety and security as the facility is a 24-7 operation. The availability of almost $30,000 in rebates from the local utility helped to offset project costs. With an estimated 2-year payback, the project decreased the
nursing home’s energy and maintenance costs by $25,000 annually and is estimated to reduce lighting energy
consumption by 70%. The cost avoidance allows for Kirkhaven to redirect money once devoted to utilities
towards new initiatives.
Avoided energy and maintenance costs: $25,000 annually
Lighting energy consumption reduction: 70%
Payback: 2 years