Electricity Markets Forward markets were slightly down over the past week. New England has continued to remain stable since the winter. Good underlying market conditions continue to contribute to the strong market. NY and PJM markets continue to tighten as we head into winter. Eroding storage surplus could loom large for markets in the coming months. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets in the Northeast increased slightly over the past week. Texas forward markets saw a drop, but still remain volatile as the heat sticks around across the South. We could see volatility in forward markets heading into the fall as the natural gas storage surplus erodes. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets trended slightly downward this week. Forward markets in the Northeast have been flat and calm, mainly because of seasonal weather. Texas continues to remain volatile and saw a large increase over the last week as scorching heat continues to grip the South. The same factors causing volatility in Texas are still in play and could contribute to market swings in the Northeast in the near future. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets trended slightly downward this week. Mainly being driven by the NYMEX coming down over the last week. New England has remained stable in spite of oil prices increasing. Texas forward pricing still volatile because of the persistent heat across the Southern United States. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets trended slightly upward this week, mainly driven by an increase in the NYMEX. Texas saw a sizable increase as a result of sustained heat that continues to grip the South. Not as many major swings in forward pricing in the Northeast as major heat is lacking in the region. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets trended slightly downward over the past week. Lengthy market stability continues. Not many factors pushing volatility right now. PJM and NYISO forward markets continue to tighten up. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets increased again over the past week, and can be expected to continue to increase of heat continues to settle in long term across the majority of the country. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets increased slightly over the past week. Texas forward markets saw a more sizable increase as heat returned to the south. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets were quiet over the last week. All regions saw a slight decrease. Texas experienced a larger drop as record heat finally subsided. The difference between PJM and NY pricing has gradually decreased over the last few months. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets in NY and PJM increased over the last week, while they decreased in New England and Texas. Overall, all forward markets have generally trended upward as we head into summer. Texas forward markets still remain elevated in comparison to the previous few months as near record heat settles in across the South. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets remained quiet across the Northeast over the past week. However, Texas forward markets experienced a sizable spike that was driven by near record heat. Elevated forward markets in Texas are expected to last into the next week as higher temperatures settle in across the Southern Plains. Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets started the week quiet, but spiked as a result of a below normal natural gas storage report. All forward markets dropped week over week except for New England.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets trended slightly upward across all regions over the past week. In terms of the overall trends, Forward pricing still remains good and forward markets continue to remain quiet.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Markets trended downward slightly over the past week. Forward pricing continues to stay in this extended normal trend that has been observed the past few months, still at lows not seen since 2021. Forward pricing markets continue to look strong out into the future.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Slight downward trend in forward markets over the past week. Week over week volatility has continued to remain low with minimal factors in play influencing large swings in the market.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets have continued to stay flat over the past few weeks. Minimal volatility and favorable weather have kept forward markets stable.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets stayed flat over the past week with minimal volatility. Markets should remain favorable in the coming weeks.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets dropped slightly over the last week, but rebounded over the weekend. Forward markets have still generally trended upwards over the last 3 months.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets All forward markets saw a week-over-week increase. The largest jump was seen in New England, which is being driven by the rising cost of the underlying natural gas basis.Continue Reading
Electricity Markets Forward markets once again saw another week over week increase, mostly in the Northeast. OPEC curtailment of production could contribute to increases in the forward markets in the near future.Continue Reading