Weekly Market Update 1/15/2024

Electricity Markets

There was a sizable spike in forward markets this week, mainly driven by weather over the last few days of the week. Week over week change is substantially more than usual and the biggest since winter of last year. Volatility near term will increase in anticipation of cold weather.


Colder, but more seasonal weather returned this week, bringing more volatility to spot pricing. There also was increased separation in pricing across the different zones. Could see even more volatility next week as a cold snap moves into the Northeast.

Natural Gas Markets

Forward pricing year curves moved up over the past week, mainly driven by near term volatility from cold weather. There was less upward movement in the 2025 and 2026 forward pricing years than there was in 2024.


Futures as of 1/11/2024 versus previous week:

Feb-24 $2.961 +$0.136
Mar-24 $2.520 -$0.040
Apr-24 $2.491 -$0.023
May-24 $2.567 -$0.003
Jun-24 $2.701 -$0.004
Jul-24 $2.838 +$0.007

Natural Gas Inventory 

Working gas in storage was 3,336 BCF as of Friday, January 5th, according to EIA estimates. This represents a net decrease of 140 Bcf from the previous week.


The Baker Hughes exploration decreased by 1 rig, for a total of 117 this week.

Weather Update

Temperatures will be below average across the East Coast and Midwest, and above average across the West Coast


Hurricane Watch:  Click here to view the National Hurricane Center site.  



New England Faces a Possible Gas Crunch- America is the world’s largest natural-gas producer, but New Englanders’ capacity to stay warm in winter may hinge on the fate of an expensive, 53-year-old import plant that its owner has threatened to shut down.


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