Redesigned Online Learning Center Introduced by PJM

Last month, PJM released a new online learning portal. As a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) that “coordinates the movement of electricity through all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia”, this user friendly website is designed to be beneficial to both customers and industry professionals looking for information about  PJM Interconnection.

The new center, which can be found at, covers a variety of topics including: the basics of electricity, innovations in energy, and information about PJM and their structure. According to the website, “PJM has rewritten, redesigned and expanded the Learning Center to be more simple, clear and visual- making it your source dedicated to explaining the power industry and PJM’s role.” The website features a glossary of hundreds of energy terms, a training center which offers courses both online and in person, interactive videos, and a variety of other pages that provide information about electric markets, committees, and documents relating to PJM.

With the competitive markets of these 13 states and the District of Columbia falling under the watch of PJM, and with the complex and volatile nature of the markets, this center is designed to give consumers a deeper understanding of PJM and their role in the lives of the customers.

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